Family Involvement
Help Support Our School
There are many ways to offer your support and encouragement to St James the Apostle School. Every year, school parents, teachers and parishioners volunteer their valuable time and knowledge to make St James the best possible educational experience for our students. Here are a few ways you can support St James the Apostle School:
- Get involved! Join a school committee, board or organization, such as School Board or the Parent Teacher Organization.
- Purchase Crusader Cash-Turn your everyday shopping into fundraising for our school!
- Collect “Pop Tabs” – Remove the metal ring from beverage cans and bring to the office. These pop tabs benefit Ronald McDonald House.
- Support our Athletic Teams-attend St James athletic events or volunteer to coach a team.
- Volunteer to chaperone students for our annual Day of Service.
- Donate your time and items to the annual fundraiser. Have gift cards? What about tickets to a sporting event? Donate them to the silent auction!
- Assist with our Religious Education and Sacramental Programs at St James.
- Chaperone students during one of our many education Field Trips
- Volunteer to help with our many After-School Programs and Extra-Curricular Learning Opportunities.
- Make a donation to St James or to the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF), which helps over 1400 students in the Diocese of Joliet each year.
All individuals who volunteer in our school must complete requirements mandated by the Diocese of Joliet. Volunteering with our students, in any capacity, cannot be permitted without compliance of these requirements.